Thursday, February 12, 2009


I have to say things aren't exactly going the way I've planned in life. Not that life sticks to some great "plan" that we have all laid out in our heads, but you really don't expect it to stray too far from the road you've decided to take.

I have to say that I'm definitely getting used to adversity. I wallow in my own despair and enjoy the emotions that come with it. It's okay to wallow. It's okay to feel sorry for myself. If I didn't, I might as well be better off dead because who would want to live like that?

The one issue with strife I can't seem to conquer is the constant worry. I'm great at it - so great that it makes me sick. I really have to figure out a way to stop with all of the "what if's" - although my "what ifs" tend to come true.

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