Saturday, October 18, 2008

All good things

Spent the night at my house for the first time in over five weeks and man was it great. We got home around 7ish but had to unload a ton of crap out of Sadie's room back into our room. Today, we'll rearrange the furniture and hang up our frames/pictures.

We had a nice, hot pizza from Pizza 4 U and it was so good. We sat around in comfy clothes, guzzled Pepsi and slumped into the couch for some TV. It was so refreshing.

The paint in the bedroom is great. I love it.

Today we go to Dollinger family farm for the pumpkin patch and Civil War Days. I'm so excited - I want to wake Sadie up from her nap and go NOW. I even have this cute little white 1800s-era bonnet for her to wear so she'll fit right in.

My mom bought me a pair of Levi's for my birthday and they are two sizes smaller than my old jeans from two years ago (haven't worn them in so long because I was pregnant last fall/winter).

I couldn't believe they fit me. I weighed myself at the PT office last week and I'm still the same weight as I was the week after I had her. So i'm pretty proud of myself for keeping the weight off when I haven't been able to do any sort of physical activity besides walking.

I still can't fathom the idea that I was over 50lbs heavier than I am now just a little over a year ago. How I carried that weight around I have no idea. My goal is to lose another 25-35 lbs within a year or two. Then when we're ready to have another baby I'll be physically ready.

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