Wednesday, October 29, 2008

29 Candles

Yesterday was a pretty good day. Compared to the fiasco last Tuesday on my anniversary and not being able to go out over the weekend - my birthday was pretty uneventful (in a very good way).

On Saturday we pack up all our things and go home. I haven't been home since it was summer. Sadie went from one-two rolls a day to dozens and she's about to crawl. She gained two pounds and I probably gained ten.

I just want to put the past behind me as best as I can and move into the future with my family. It's hard to wake up, however, every day and be in chronic pain. My leg still hurts (although not as bad as before) but enough to get pissed off at it. My back muscles scream - they are so tight - but I'm doing this massage therapy stuff to help loosen and strengthen. I hope it works!

Honestly, I feel like I'm 49. I haven't felt like a person in their 20s since before I was 24.

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