Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Movin' and Groovin'

Sadie began crawling yesterday morning! For the past two months she's been doing this thing where she props herself up on her toes and fingers then lunges forward. With most babies, their arms are stronger than their legs, but not Sadie. She is a powerhouse.

Anyway, it took her that long to build up the strength or put two and two together to figure out the art of getting where she wants to go.

I also bought a ton of toys for her from that new resale shop across from the Target in New Lenox. It's the old Berry's Bargain World and the prices are beyond reasonable for most things. All the toys I got her were under $2 and even had the batteries already in them. Basically paid for themselves if you ask me.

It's just really exciting to see her moving and being so independent. She's really developing her personality. She is very, VERY determined. When she wants something, she wants it now. When she's trying to do something new (roll over, sit, crawl, stand) she grunts and gets angry - but never frustrated. She never ever lets something overcome her like that. I guess we've already seen that in her since she was born, but it's just so neat to see it in a different way now.

She's also a complete ham. Sadie will be perfectly content chewing on a toy or drinking from her cup, but as soon as she sees a stranger, she puts on this big, dramatic show. Guess she might get that from me - but I heard Erik was like that as a kid too so who knows?

She only gets bashful around mom and dad, and it's so darn sweet.

Sadie is also quite the talker - babbling words like mama, dada, bah, blowing bubbles and imitating mommy and daddy quite a bit. She can wave bye bye and is eating like a big girl. Tonite she had brocolli and cauliflower - not blended, but in chunks and she ate great. And the biggest accomplishment has been the sippy cup!

No longer do we need bottles, rings, caps, nipples. Just one cup and we mix abut 20-30 ounces of formula in advance and keep it in the fridge. I started giving her the cup at 6 months while also letting her drink from the bottle while she sat in the high chair. That seemed to be the trick with her. I became pretty lax about it when I was at my mom's because we didn't have her cup there, but continued with the bottle in the chair. When we came home, I gave her the thing and it was like she'd been doing it forever. It's truly a wonderful thing. Thank you Jesus!

I can also start to wean her off the formula which I'm excited about. Time for the pocketbook to get a break.

Well, I've blabbed enough about my baby girl. Until the next time.

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