Monday, March 23, 2009

Hopeful for a turnaround

Erik has a second interview today and I'm hoping that it leads to a great job.

Right now, we actually have around $10K saved up (from our tax return and unemployment that we saved up when he was still getting severance) and it would really suck if we had to blow all of it on bills and a mortgage.

The nice thing, however, is that we actually have this money. If we didn't, I don't know how we would be able to make it right now. Everyone should have that kind of cash in case something like this happens. Hopefully, we'll be able to hang on to most of it and SAVE it.

Originally we were going to add a rec room to the basement - somewhere for Sadie to run around next winter. But looks like that will be put off for a little while. I'm not about moving anytime soon. I really do love where we live. I know it's not a house, but for a townhome - we have a pretty big yard.

Speaking of - I am really excited to plant this year. Bushes in the back and do some nicer landscaping. I couldn't do any of that last year because I had the wound vac on. We're also planting our own garden off the patio. I'm excited!

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